Saturday, October 23, 2021

Ripped off domain? It can happen to you.

 Hello faithful readers! I know I haven't been around in forever, but I mean to change that.

I've secured my name as a domain. Previously, I had let it expire and some unscrupulous company overseas bought it. Well, technically that was my fault but who thinks some random person is going to buy their personal name, take over their blog (deleting all my posts from the previous several years), and use it to sell knockoff products like fragrances, makeup, furniture, and the like? 

I was stunned. And what's more, the price of my name domain was driven up to around $10,000. I had to lay low, not publish, and finally my domain became worthless again. I bought it and close variations.

While the site is under construction, the address will be and hosted by WordPress.

Please visit me there soon for links to my Medium page for original writing, book reviews, my newsletter, writing tips, and much more.

I look forward to seeing you there!