Sunday, March 23, 2014

Purple Day!

March 26 is #PurpleDay. Wear something - you guessed it - #purple to show your support of those with #epilepsy (like moi).

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, "Waldorf, MD" - I actually did write a quite lengthy reply but this blog is misbehaving, which is why I'm switching to WordPress. Until then, since I hadn't posted anything else I fail to see why you would continue to visit a site you HAD to subscribe to in the first place, if only to insult and consider it spam. Since I find your "anonymous" comments spam, I will delete them until you provide your name so I can remove you from the list of subscribers. I am fairly sure who this is, and find it tiresome. PLEASE let me remove you so you won't have to keep visiting a site you claim not to like. No energy for games. All I need is the email address you received the original post at.
